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Monday, 30 December 2013

Must know these shortcuts....

5 keyboard shortcuts you must know...

1. To close a single tab in these web browsers, hit Ctrl + W; whereas Ctrl + Shift + W will close the whole window.
Accidentally closed a tab you were viewing on web browsers? You can reopen such tabs by Ctrl + Shift + T if the window is still open. To open new tabs, just click Ctrl + T.

2.Increasing & decreasing the font 

Instead of using the mouse every time for increasing the font of any text, you can just select it and click Ctrl + ]. Similarly, Ctrl + [ decreases the font size of the selected text.

3.Switching between windows

In Windows 7 and 8, you can use Windows key + Tab to switch between programmes. Though Alt + Tab works here too, the Windows key + Tab combo gives a cascading effect which is pleasing to the eye.

4.Opening windows side-by-side

Hit Windows + Left arrow key to push it to the left half of the display. Now, open the browser and click Windows + Right arrow key to slide the window to the right half.

5.Deleting files and capturing screenshots

You can delete files just by selecting them and hitting the Del key. But such documents are just deleted from the folder, not the computer; they are still in the Recycle Bin. If you want to delete a document in one go, just hit the Shift + Del combo.

Capturing screenshots depends only on the keyboard. Just hit the Print Screen button (pssssst… it is next to the Scroll Lock key) if you are using a desktop. Laptops have the Function (Fn) key, so use the Fn + Print Screen combo to take screenshots.

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